Sunday, 3 December 2017

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WinZip is one of the most famous compressor and decompressor software programs. It's very easy to use and speed is great. You can view the contents from an archive without decompressing the archives in the viewers function in the Activity Panel.WinZip also offers a strong AES encryption that helps to secure sensitive data; the ability to bundle files into comfortable, compressed and a compatible data backup center, to prevent data lost, and to prevent data loss. WinZip can delete old downloaded files.

Features of Winzip

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  • Easily finds, opens, edit, move and share your files on the computer, network, and cloud service. Full file management.
  • Protect your privacy Files can easily be encrypted by zip to secure data and information. To deter copying, create read-only PDFs and add watermarks.
  • Easily share major files via email, cloud services, social media and instant messaging. Share everywhere Share your cloud files quickly with links.

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